Helpful tax information for bloggers, writers and authors

February 9th, 2016 → 8:55 am @

Helpful information for writers during the tax season

Blog &Tax Tips for Writers

What and how do authors write off their expenses?

February 2nd, 2016 → 6:55 pm @

What can an author write off on their tax return (and how do you do it)?

Blog &Tax Tips for Writers

Tax deduction for donated books

November 13th, 2015 → 9:15 am @

An author wonders how much she can deduct when she donates her books


Teenagers Can Become Published Authors

September 4th, 2015 → 9:57 am @

How a teenager can become a published author and how a parent can help.

Blog &Podcast/Radio show

How You (or Your Child) Can Become a Published Author

August 28th, 2015 → 1:49 pm @

In this episode of the Dollars and Sense podcast, host Carol Topp is joined by teen author Rachel Coker.

Blog &Podcast/Radio show

The Business of Writing online workshop

April 15th, 2015 → 3:45 pm @

Taxes for Writers online workshop sponsored by Women’s Fiction Writers Association

Blog &Tax Tips for Writers

Is this author given a gift or is it a sale?

March 12th, 2015 → 1:41 am @

An author wonders if a “thank you donation” she received is a gift or a sale.

Blog &Q&A &Tax Tips for Writers

What are the disadvantages to author partnerships?

March 5th, 2015 → 1:23 am @

An author and her sister wish to co-author several books. What are the main reasons to avoid a partnership?

Blog &Q&A

Tax Q & A from writers

February 26th, 2015 → 9:25 am @

Writers ask author and CPA Carol Topp their tax questions

Blog &Tax Tips for Writers

Keep your bookkeeping simple in 2015. Free spreadsheet for writers and authors

February 8th, 2015 → 3:35 pm @

In my book, Business Tips and Taxes for Writers, I discuss record keeping and recommend different software programs that writers can use to manage their business. I start by saying that a simple spreadsheet can work well for many authors. I created a simple bookkeeping spreadsheet for some of my author clients.   Now. I’m […]

Blog &Business Tips for Writers