January 30th, 2012 → 8:19 am @ Carol
Nailing Down Your Professional Status By Gary A. Hensley In the old television show Sanford and Son, Fred Sanford asks a man, “Who says you’re an attorney?” “I do,” the man says. Fred says, “Who says you’re not?” The man mumbles, “The State of California.” You don’t want to be on the wrong end of […]
January 26th, 2012 → 10:02 pm @ Carol
Webinar Friday, January 27th at 12 noon EST For Authors & Writers (aspiring or published) Authors and Writers work hard at their ideas, writing their manuscripts or blogs and then waking up to see that no one is reading their information or wants to buy their book! On this webinar, Felice a best-selling author […]
January 12th, 2012 → 8:04 am @ Carol
I would like to introduce myself — Tom Hebert. I am a C.P.A. by trade. Writing and publishing for me is a hobby — but a serious one! I recently self-published the first 30,000 words of my novel (“The Remains of the Corps”) and with the help of a friend converted it to an ebook, […]
December 29th, 2011 → 2:00 pm @ Carol
Tax FAQ: I didn’t get paid. Is it a tax deduction?
December 26th, 2011 → 2:00 pm @ Carol
How can I show that I’m not a hobby writer? I intend to make a profit; it just hasn’t happened yet. Keep a log of your work and your submissions to magazines, agents, publishers, etc. A submission log can be very helpful to show you are actively attempting to make a profit at this. Look […]