What Do CPA’s Charge?

January 27th, 2020 → 8:43 am @

What do CPA’s charge to prepare a tax return for a writer?

Naturally, CPA fees vary depending on location and their experience. A typical rate for a one-hour consultation with a small business CPA might cost you $100 to $300. Many CPAs will meet with a new business owner for 30 minutes for no charge.

Many writers use CPAs for tax preparation only. A recent survey by the National Society of Accountants found that the tax preparation fees for the following business forms averaged:

  • Sole proprietorship (form Schedule C): $212
  • Partnership return (Form 1065): $551
  • S corporations: $665
  • C corporations: $692

These fees do not include the tax return for the individual which averaged $229 for a Form 1040 with itemized deductions and a state return. The survey found that tax preparation fees vary by region and size of the firm.

So expect to pay about $400 to have your tax return prepared. That can vary if the personal portions of your tax return have some complexities like investments, rental property, more businesses, etc.


Carol Topp, CPA

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