August 4th, 2011 → 9:12 pm @ Carol
Author and owner of five blogs, Carol Topp, will be giving a presentation on Blogs for Writers: Tips and Tricks at the West Chester Library(Ohio) Writer’s Group on Wednesday, August 10, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.
July 29th, 2011 → 6:03 am @ Carol
Sisters in Crime interview: Tax Tips for Writers
July 27th, 2011 → 7:03 pm @ Carol
The Sisters in Crime blog featured an interview with Carol Topp, CPA on Tax Tips for Writers.
June 3rd, 2011 → 2:33 am @ Carol
Great post at Writers Digest on giving out your Social Security Number: Should You Give Editors Your Social Security Number? Q: I was recently given an assignment with a local magazine and the editor asked me for my Social Security number. I’m uncomfortable handing out that type of information and wonder if it’s normal for […]
April 23rd, 2011 → 6:26 pm @ Carol
The writer must be two people—an artist and an entrepreneur.
April 14th, 2011 → 5:41 pm @ Carol
Here’s the newsletter from NAIWE, National Association of Independent Writers and Editors This month, we’re delighted to present success strategies from the veteran writers and editors among us. There’s nothing better than real advice from the trenches, so read each article and profit from the wisdom and experience of our members. Freelance writer and employment […]
April 6th, 2011 → 3:39 pm @ Carol
From Idea to Information Product to Profitable and Very Successful Business.
It only takes 4 short weeks to create your own information product…
If you have an idea, then you can go From Idea to Information Product to Profitable and Very Successful Business in only 4 short weeks! Yes, YOU! Even if you do not have a website or even one customer yet!
March 9th, 2011 → 7:55 pm @ Carol
29 great articles on taxes and finances for freelance workers.
January 16th, 2011 → 10:01 pm @ Carol
Sorry, but Business Tips and Taxes for Writers is not yet ready for orders. Here is the release schedule: Pre-release copies available: September 2011 Full Book release: January 2012 E book release: TBD Author availability for interviews: now! Please sign up for author Carol Topp’s newsletter (on the home page) to be notified of updates […]
January 11th, 2011 → 9:57 pm @ Carol
I’ll be discussing taxes for writers on Monday January 17, 2011 with Felice Gerwitz on her online radio show: Information In A Nutshell Radio Show Congress was very busy in 2010 creating new tax laws. Are there any tax breaks for writers? Yes, there are! I’ll discuss the new tax bills, how they may affect […]