February 9th, 2012 → 2:00 pm @ Carol
Common Tax Mistakes Made by Writers
February 6th, 2012 → 2:00 pm @ Carol
When should I hire a CPA for my writing business?
February 1st, 2012 → 1:50 pm @ Carol
Marnie Swedberg and I had a great time discussing some of my 12 tips on running a business and taxes for 2012. Top 12 Money & Tax Tips for 2012 podcast with Marnie Swedberg Listen to internet radio with Marnies Friends on Blog Talk Radio Join Marnie and tax expert, Carol Topp, CPA for […]
February 1st, 2012 → 1:39 pm @ Carol
Sales tax…it’s changing at the speed you can download an ebook to your Kindle Fire! There are now several states that tax digital downloads. https://taxes.about.com/od/statetaxes/a/sales-tax-for-digital-downloads.htm States That Tax Downloads These states have passed laws that impose sales taxes on digital products (keep in mind that digital products are defined differently in each state and some […]
January 26th, 2012 → 10:02 pm @ Carol
Webinar Friday, January 27th at 12 noon EST For Authors & Writers (aspiring or published) Authors and Writers work hard at their ideas, writing their manuscripts or blogs and then waking up to see that no one is reading their information or wants to buy their book! On this webinar, Felice a best-selling author […]
January 23rd, 2012 → 8:40 am @ Carol
This may seem like a really stupid question, but the exclusive use of space for a home office deduction, does that mean that the business owner can’t do any personal business in that space, like make personal phone calls, do personal things on the computer/internet, have personal files in the area, pay personal bills, etc? […]
January 18th, 2012 → 11:42 pm @ Carol
Marnie will be hosting me, Carol Topp, on her radio show Thursday, Jan 19 Call (646) 727-2510 or listen in the show box below. We go live at 3 PM Central Click for Time Zones Top Tax & Money Management Tips for 2012 with Marnie & Carol Topp, CPA Listener Notes Here Listen to internet […]
January 16th, 2012 → 8:19 am @ Carol
The Writer’s Home Office Deduction
December 29th, 2011 → 2:00 pm @ Carol
Tax FAQ: I didn’t get paid. Is it a tax deduction?