Author to Business Owner: Margaret Daley

March 1st, 2012 → 8:00 am @

Author to Business Owner is designed to provide first-hand business tips for any writer. Each special guest has graciously imparted knowledge of their writing business in hopes of encouraging fellow authors to grow and manage their own businesses.

With us this month is Margaret Daley! As an author, Margaret has won several awards, including the American Christian Fiction Writers’ Book of the Year Contest, for her romance novels. In addition to her success in writing, she serves as President for American Christian Fiction Writers and previously worked as a special needs teacher and coach for the Special Olympics. Her latest book, Saving Hope, debuts this month! We are eager to hear the story that led to her writing career.

Margaret, what genre do you write?

I write Christian romantic suspense and romances. I have written 82 books over the past 32 years of selling. Right now, I have three series going for different lines – The Men of Texas Rangers (with the first entitled Saving Hope), The Guardians, Inc (Love Inspired Suspense), and A Town Called Hope (Love Inspired, with A Love Rekindled releasing in April as the second in the series).

Do you write full time or do you still have a day job?

I write full time. I retired from teaching four years ago.

Could you share with us a summary of your writing career?

I wrote my first book in 1980 and just recently wrote my 82nd one in November 2011. But for eight years, during the time after writing 20 books, I didn’t sell a book. I almost gave up writing, but I didn’t and was fortunate to come back from that dry spell and write 62 more books. Determination kept me going.

What a neat story! Now, in terms of your writing business, have you ever hired a CPA?

Yes, to do my taxes and give me tax advice.

How do you do your record keeping?

I use a spreadsheet. I keep track by the month. I also have an expandable folder for all my receipts.

Great! What is it that you love about being a business owner?

The very fact that I am my own boss. I get to set my own schedule. I answer to myself.

What do you hate about business?

I recently hired an assistant and the paperwork the government requires is driving me crazy. For one job, a lot of paperwork has to be filled out.

Do you have any advice for other authors about being a business owner?

Keep good records. I have all my receipts in an expandable folder by the month as well as having a spreadsheet of what I spend and my income. I keep track of my mileage I use for each trip I take.

Thank you so much, Margaret. Keep an eye out for the release of her newest book, Saving Hope, through Amazon and be sure to check out her website for a look at her many other novels.  The organization of her writing business is a good example for any writer. Not sure how to organize your writing business? Take a look at my blog for helpful record keeping and tax tips, or pick up a copy of my book, Business Tips and Taxes for Writers, as a handy guide!

Carol Topp, CPA 


One Comment → “Author to Business Owner: Margaret Daley”

  1. Loree Lough

    12 years ago

    Great tips, Margaret! I enjoyed having this chance to get to know a different side of you!